Saturday, July 21, 2012

Summer FUN!!!

Well, Andy and I did go camping, in Acadia National Park in Maine.  It was AMAZING!  Jamie and Justin came up too to join us for a couple of days and BOY did we have adventures.  I can't wait to get back there one day and experience the beauty and fresh air again!
 A MOOSE!!!!  It's not real, I'm still waiting to see my first Moose in the wild, sigh...
 The LOADED TRUCK!!!  It was awesome, Thule box full, back of the truck decked out with bedding and sleeping quarters, it was SWEET!!!
 First stop - Bar Harbour!  Beautiful place.  This is at the Bar Harbour Inn where we stopped for a snack and a frosty beverage.  Looking out over the Harbour (below) was stunning, with the big ships and the boats, SO pretty!

So we stayed with Andy's friend Chris the first night, he lives outside of the Island right off the highway very remotely, it was so amazing.  If any of you are familiar with the Ferguson's place in Beltana, it reminded me of that, just very very green!  The road to his place was like something from a movie - where are we going???
 So Chris's house is on this piece of land with a stream just done the path that is GORGEOUS!  We swam there in the morning and my hair was luxurious afterwards!  Chris has a couple of pigs and a dog, it is so amazing out here, can't wait to go back!

After staying with Chris for the first night we headed to our camp site - we got to choose the site we wanted and the grounds were so pretty, like a fairyland!!!

First thing we did was have a picnic on the mossy forest floor in our campsite, it was amazing!  If I were 10 years old, I would have spent the entire trip playing Fairies in the forest!  Seriously.

So....  all the rest of the photos are on Andy's camera -

Stuff I've been doing...

Well, my garden has been VICIOUSLY ATTACKED!!!  Well, not viciously, I think a kitty walked on it. Sigh.  So I have lost some of my flowers that were just starting to bloom, but I am hopeful that they will come back to me.  I built a fort around them so the kitty can't get them!!

So, things that are happening this summer...
my theatre company is holding summer camps, which is a big thing over here, and I'm hoping that they are successful and that they go really well!
This is our summer camp banner for the website - if you haven't visited it the website is

I am hoping that Andy can get some time off work so that we can go camping and adventuring, it's so beautiful in New England and I am excited to get into the wilderness.  At the end of winter we went on a vacation to Jay Peak in Vermont.  Here's some pictures - I went skiing!!!  It was fun!
This is our amazing accommodation, it was like a French influence cottage, SO amazing!

The top of Jay Peak in Jay, Vermont.  This was amazing, being on top of a mountain with NOTHING higher than you.  The clouds were floating by underneath us and it was absolutely spectacular.  The day before the weather at the base of the mountain was snowy and overcast, you couldn't see the op of the mountain.  At the TOP of the mountain it was clear, sunny and around 65 degrees (F)!!!  Apparently that only happens a few times a year and we were lucky enough to be able to experience it.

These pics are from the tram ride up to the top of Jay Peak, the building is the tram house on the mountain, looks spooky huh?

This is the resort at Jay Peak, its pretty new but it is amazing!  There is a HUGE waterpark inside the resort as well as a day spa (where Jamie and I may have spent several hours getting massages, nails and facials done...).  We didn't stay here but it was pretty amazing!

Here's me and my man:
In the bar at Jay Peak Resort, very nice place, great Poutine (basically, chips and gravy with cheese, fancy huh?).  Love Jay Peak, Love Man, Life is good.  :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gardens Gardens Everywhere!

It's official - I have a newly discovered green thumb.  I have been gardening at my boyfriend Andy's house and LOVING IT!!!  I have a very lovely veggie/herb garden that I made down the side of his house...
My lovely veggie/herb garden
These are my little weeny shoots of Spinach and Swiss Chard!


These are my baby flower shoots - I can't remember what flower, but I'm sure they'll be pretty!!!     

... my garden has mint, rosemary, lavender, tomatoes, lettuce and there's more on the way! I also planted some flowers that are starting to shoot up!  Which is very exciting - they feel like my babies!

Today Andy and I spent the whole day in the garden, he chopped down a bunch of trees and I did lots of weeding, raking and prettifying.  There's a bunch of shade in Andy's yard so I am moving plants that like shade into the back so that there's something there and it looks pretty.  Once Andy had chopped down the trees today (which he did by climbing the trees and chopping bits off, then chopping them with an axe at the base, very clever, monkey man!) there was suddenly LIGHT over my veggie garden!!!  Maple trees are beautiful, but they do NOT let any light through, so now there's light and I am excited to see how everything grows. Soon we'll rig up the hammocks and it will be all systems go for backyard summer amazingness!
The side garden by the shed...
The little garden in the back... More ferns and Lilies of the Valley to come - they grow like weeds here!
While gardening and cleaning up piles of old leaves and digging today, we found so many juicy worms I wanted to be a fisherman!  The biggest one we found would have been a foot long almost and half an inch wide!  They were amazing!  I put them straight in the garden!  I talk to the worms, they are my friends, they do very important things!!!

My other new hobby is making terrariums for inside the house.  Again there's not a lot of light inside so I have been making terrariums by buying glass vases and containers from goodwill and buying tiny plants.  I use mosses and decorations from around Andy's garden and make them and I love them!  Here's my latest four...

My first African Violet!!!!  This little flower was the first plant I saw on the day I went to the nursery.  It reminded me instantly of my Nanny, so I got it!

This was the only other African Violet they had, so of course I had to get it.  Now the challenge is to see if I can grow them like Nanny did!

Hello and welcome to my life!!!

Hello friends and family!
I decided that it was high time I found a way to share the events and goings on of my life with you all, and being on the other side of the world, it makes more sense to blog about what I'm doing so that you can all check out what's happening at any time of the day or night!
In the next couple of weeks I'll be posting about things I've been doing, places I've been and what's coming up in the future, so stay tuned!